Let's face it, many individuals have no idea what experienced event decorators perform. However, we don't blame them! You probably picture a person climbing a ladder and hanging a banner from the ceiling when you hear that fantastic job title. While you may occasionally step in to assist with table settings and flower arrangements, it is not your primary job responsibility. Simply told, your worth is in coordination, a far harder task! Is the mud clear? We've got you, so don't worry. Discover what an event decorator actually does by reading on! job description of an event decorator You are in charge of creating the event's overall ambience as the decorator. Decor for an event goes beyond mere decoration. The way visitors feel as they enter the space will influence how they feel throughout and how positively they recall it later. Even though this is a very creative industry, having a sixth sense of antique finds or a keen eye for colour is not sufficient. A desig...
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